Thursday, January 29, 2015

Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Chemical Peels

Alpha hydroxy acids in assorted concentrations are acclimated in actinic peels. The absorption determines who can use it. Alpha hydroxy acid articles awash to consumers accept to accept a absorption of beneath than 10%. Trained cosmetologists can use alpha hydroxy acid articles that accept a absorption of 20% to 30%. These actinic peels accord after-effects that are agnate to microdermabrasion - abatement accomplished curve and giving the derma a smoother actualization with 1 to 3 applications. However, these treatments accept to be again every 3 to 6 months to advance this derma appearance. Doctors can use alpha hydroxy acid articles that accept a absorption of 50% to 70%. These treatments aswell abolish accomplished wrinkles and abolish apparent scars, but the furnishings endure best - up to 2 to 5 years. The college the alpha hydroxy acid absorption acclimated in a actinic peel, the added derma affliction occurs. At the 50% to 70% concentration, a being could apprehend to accept astringent redness, flaking, and arising derma that can endure for 1 to 4 weeks.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Glycyrrhizin(Glycyrrhizic acid) Introduction

Glycyrrhizin(Glycyrrhizicacid) is a actuality begin in liquorice (alt. licorice) basis that functions as a aspartame (30 to 50 times as candied as sucrose)and is aswell categorized as a glycoside. . However, the aftertaste of glycyrrhizin "overrides" its sweetness, appropriately giving it a audible acidity and altered acidity than sugar. The acidity of glycyrrhizin lingers in the aperture for some time as well. Glycyrrhizin gives liquorice its appropriate flavor. This makes gycyrrhizin clashing as a amoroso substitute, but an ideal additive for dishes. In the automated setting, glycyrrhizin is acclimated as a additive in candies, pharmaceuticals, tobacco articles and foods.
Glycyrrhizin is chemically accepted as a triterpenoid saponin glycoside. In general, glycosides are chemicals composed of a amoroso absorbed to a non-sugar molecule. There are abounding types of glycosides in nature, with abounding altered backdrop.
Glycyrrhizin is torn down in the physique by hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is the breaking down of a actinic admixture into two or added simpler compounds by reacting with water. For example, proteins, fats, and circuitous carbohydrates in aliment are torn down in the physique by hydrolysis that is catalyzed by enzymes in the digestive tract. Hydrolysis of glycyrrhizin yields the aglycone alleged glucuronic acid.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Deoxyarbutin (DA) Description

CAS No:53936-56-4
Chemical Formula:C11H14O3
Molecular Weight:194.23
Deoxyarbutin (DA), a constructed anatomy of arbutin actinic after the hydroxyl moiety, provides a able analysis forreducing derma hyperpigmentation
The effection for inhibition of the agitator tyrosine is 10 times analyze with hydroquinone, 150 times analyze with kojic acid, 350 times analyze with beta arbutin, 38.5 times with alpha arbutin.
It is actual aerial actual which is calmly oxidized. In adjustment to anticipate the blaze of deoxyarbutin and accumulate the blueprint effective, the use of antioxidant abettor is awful recommended Anti-oxidant : Sodium metabisulfite(0.01-1.0 %)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Diosgenin Sources & Clinical uses

Diosgenin, a steroid sapogenin, is the artefact of hydrolysis by acids, able bases, or enzymes of saponins, extracted from the tubers of Dioscorea agrarian yam, such as the Kokoro. The sugar-free (aglycone), diosgenin is acclimated for the bartering amalgam of cortisone, pregnenolone, progesterone, and added steroid products.
It is present in Costus speciosus, Smilax menispermoidea, breed of Paris, Aletris, Trigonella, and Trillium, and abounding breed of Dioscorea - D. althaeoides, colletti, futschauensis, gracillima, hispida, hypoglauca, floribunda, mexicana and composita nipponica, panthaica, parviflora, septemloba, and zingiberensis.
Diosgenin is the forerunner for the semisynthesis of progesterone which in about-face was acclimated in aboriginal accumulated articulate contraceptive pills. The blunt steroid has estrogenic action and can abate the akin of serum cholesterol.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Radix Glycyrrhizae(Liquorice) Indication

1. Invigorate basic energy: For affection of spleen-stomach 1-17-1.jpg (3470 bytes)deficiency; for those with absence of basic energy, acclimated calm with Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae and Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocepha for those with yang-deficiency,. acclimated calm with Rhizoma Zingiberis for those with absence of affection activity or heart-yang embodied conciseness of breath, palpitation, chest affliction and irrhythmia, usually acclimated calm with Ramulus Cinnamoni.
2. Clear abroad calefaction and baneful material: For austere heat-syndrome such derma infection, abscessed throat, etc. or biologic and aliment poisoning.
3. Eliminate aplomb and abate cough: For assorted types of ahem and dyspnea.
4. Abate access and allay pain: For access and affliction of the belly and leg, arthralgia of wind-dampness-cold blazon and comestible ulcer, us calm with Radix Paeoniae Alba.
5. Moderate the authority of drugs: For antidotal the toxicity ancillary furnishings of almighty drugs such as Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Radix Acaniti Praeparata, Radix Aconiti, etc. Also. acclimated for adjusting the aftertaste of drugs. Recently, acclimated for virus hepatitis, thrombocytopenic purpura and anaphylactoid purpura.