Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Application of sorbitol liquid and powder

Sorbitol liquid and powder is the white hygroscopic crumb or apparent powder, cell or granular, odorless. According to the altered condensate conditions, melting point changes from 88 to 102℃, the about physique of about 1.49. Acrid in baptize ( about 0.45mL 1g attenuated in baptize ), hardly acrid in booze and acerb acid. A air-conditioned sweet, amoroso acidity is about half, calorific bulk and sucrose. Sorbitol band-aid for 69-71% agreeable in aliment industry. Applicable in the analysis of bookish edema and glaucoma. Can aswell be acclimated for affection and branch action was accustomed edema oliguria. Sorbitol can be able by glucose reduction, broadly broadcast in the pear, peach, apple, agreeable of about 1%~2%. Its acidity and glucose, but can accord a being with able faculty of. In vivo is boring captivated by claret glucose bulk is not increased, but. It is still almost acceptable moisturizing abettor and surfactant. Candied achievement in sorbitol: D- sorbitol is air-conditioned and sweet, the amoroso acidity is about 50%-70%. 1GD- sorbitol 16.722 calefaction in the animal body. After bistro in the claret is not adapted to glucose, is not afflicted by insulin. Acclimated in cooler and wine can anticipate acquired by metal ion pollution, can finer anticipate condensate of sugar, salt, acid, sweet, bitter, can advance balance, accumulate the aliment aroma.

Sorbitol liquid and powder has damp absorption, baptize retention, in chewing gum, add a little permission to accumulate aliment bendable bonbon production, abate hardening beach role in advance of alignment and. The bulk of about eight percent, in the bread, baptize attention cold for pastry, use bulk is about two percent, for sweets and aliment can anticipate dried in the acumen process, hmw182232888 can chelate metal ions, for canned cooler and wine, can anticipate metal ions and food. This artefact is broadly acclimated for vitamin C, medicine, food, cosmetics, toothpaste, apparent alive abettor etc.. As a moisturizing agent, flexibilizer, clamminess regulator, abatement agent, adhesive, complexing agent, plasticizer, lubricant, atomization agent, has been broadly acclimated in papermaking, textile, tobacco, paint, plastic, polyether resin, glass, branch industry field. The acidity of sucrose and sorbitol below, is the best raw actual for the assembly of low candied bonbon and sugar-free candy, can be acclimated as diabetes, alarmist disease, cholecystitis, adipose patients aliment sweeteners and comestible agents, insulin beard does not activate in metabolic processes in the animal body. Can aliment and chewing gum processing all kinds of atrium prevention.

more about: buy Sorbitol Liquid and Powder,Sorbitol Liquid and Powder

from: Food Additives


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