Saturday, April 30, 2016

What is Linalool?

CAS: 78-70-6
Molecular Formula: C10H18O
Molecular Weight: 154.25
Linalool is a basic of abounding capital oils, including orange, lavender, rose, rosewood, and coriander. The capital botheration the Cosmetics Database has with linalool is the accident of derma affliction and allergic reactions. Just like limonene, linalool is not a derma allergen in its authentic form. However, if it's oxidized, it can could cause allergic reactions/sensitivity at top concentrations.

Linalool aswell shows affiance adjoin leukemia. Among the substances activated "linalool showed the arch action adjoin histiocytic lymphoma beef U937 and Burkitt lymphoma beef P3HR1."

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