Saturday, September 3, 2016

Alitame (CAS 80863-62-3) Description

Synonym:  L-α-Aspartyl-N-(2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-thietanyl)-D-alaninamide
Application: A dipeptide amide derivative of aspartic acid
CAS Number:   80863-62-3
Molecular Weight:  331.43
Molecular Formula: C14H25N3O4S
Storage:     Store at 4° C

Alitame is a dipeptide amide acquired of aspartic acid (sc-257393). Alitame is safe for bodies with phenylketonuria, clashing aspartame. Animal studies application actual top assimilation over an continued aeon of time showed added bloodshed and some alarmist damage, and bargain bodyweight in offspring. In bodies accepting 15 times the accepted circadian assimilation of alitame, bold it were the alone aspartame in the diet, for 14 canicule straight, no adverse furnishings were seen. Alitame has not apparent cogent baleful activity.

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