Thursday, January 5, 2017

Cucumber bone health benefit

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, in the accomplished few decades, it has become bright that vitamin K is important to cartilage health, and one cup of cucumber contains about 19 percent of the recommended circadian assimilation of vitamin K. One analysis appear in Nutrition acclaimed that vitamin K assimilation ability abate breach rates, plan with vitamin D to access cartilage physique and absolutely affect calcium balance.
The animal physique uses vitamin K if architecture bones, and the furnishings assume to be abnormally important for women. A ample 2003 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition extraction showed that low vitamin K levels were associated with low cartilage physique in women, but not in men. Another extraction appear in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999 begin that low intakes of vitamin K were associated with an added accident of hip fractures in middle-age women. This is abnormally absorbing because the women saw after-effects from bistro lettuce, assuming that comestible burning of vitamin K via bistro vegetables (not supplements) is beneficial. If it comes to men, the affects of vitamin K and cartilage bloom may become added credible as they age: A 2000 extraction saw bargain accident of hip breach a part of both aged women and aged men who captivated added vitamin K.

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