Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Purple Sweet Potato Red relevant information notes

Purple sweet potato (Latin: Ipomoes batats L., English name: Purple sweet potato, Japanese name: Purple Full thermal boots ma イ holds an), refers to the potato flesh color is purple sweet potato, belongs bindweed annual herb. Purple sweet potato pigment from Convolvulaceae Ipomoea plant root extract natural pigment, the anthocyanins, flavonoids components.
Efficacy: antioxidant, anti-mutation function, anti-high blood sugar function and improve liver function, regulating blood pressure, antibacterial effect.
Applications Recommended: Purple Sweet Potato Red commonly used in the food industry, cosmetics industry, pharmaceutical industry, textile industries.
Preserved: Store in a tightly sealed containers to prevent moisture, strong light, high temperatures.

More about:Purple Sweet Potato sales
From:Lithium carbonate

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